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Published on 07/12/2021

Identity & Access Management


At least 5 years of IAM experience

Metropolis of Lille

Ponctual trips

Established in 2020 by 4 passionate experts, PRIZM, this is a consulting firm that wishes to position itself as THE pure player of the digital identity and governance management.

As a young compagny, we are searching for people ready to go on an adventure with us, motivated by the challenge; and the desire to evolve. We still have a lot to build, we will get there together !

Today, multiple clients trust our expertise and support to answer their needs. Welcoming you among us on those topics of security, more and more strategic, will allow you to flourish with the team in a professional and captivating project, serving our clients.


A PRIZM consultant evolves according to his desire, and the trajectory we had set. If you wish to help us build and upgrade our offers, implicate yourself in our futur recruitments, convince and support the clients with us, then your place is here. Your daily contribution is important, and your opinions matter for us, to define a future that looks like us.

Your daily expertise ?

You already have a few years of experience in the field of identity and access management.
You know it's a vast topic !


To share your expertise while enriching your knowledge, at PRIZM, we believe in 2 methods : 

  • Continuing formation, especially via our partner publishers. Indeed, multiple strong partnerships have developped with PRIZM, to follow a real certification curriculum, allowing you to reinforce your skills and open your mind to emergent technologies or new methodologies  / soft skills.

  • Mentoring : At PRIZM, we are convinced that everyone has something to bring, on a reciprocal exchange, beyond the years of experience. It is for this reason that depending on your needs, you can be both be acompanied the necessary time by a consultant (technologies, methodology, management, communication, ...) but also acompany, answer the questions and make autonomous a more beeginner profile. All of this to transmit your knowledge to others while being able to develop yourself.

You'll work for our clients, on topics having for theme the IAM, our known expertise in PRIZM. Via your approach of developped consultant with us, you'll know how to answer to different needs of customers, both upstream (analyse of needs, project framework, audit, ...) and into technical adaptations of products.

Your profil ?

Your are curious, have an analytical mind attracted by transformation problematics of the compagny and everything related to cybersecurity, or heven better, at identity and access management. 

Thanks to your experience, you wish to bring us and continue to develop :

  • Your knowledge on technical and fonctionnal topics (problematics related to security, to user experience just like their technical architecture)

  • Your critical and analytical mind to understand as best customers needs

  • Relational et pedagogical sense to spread those problematics to your public

  • Your carrer in the world of of advices to compagnies to be able to give new projects.

Ton background actuel ?

Ideally, you are graduated from a specialized highschool in the informatic engineering and you already have at least 5 years of experience.

This place is made for you if you think you have :

  • Good knowledge in infrastructure management On-Premise or Cloud

  • A solid culture on cybersecurity : especially the legislation on the data protection, in offensive security, risk management, security hygiene, etc

  • Concrete experience in development - scripting and backoffice language in general (Powershell, Python, Java, .NET, etc.)

  • Skills and experience on technical architecture design : database, application architecture, supervision

  • Experience in fonctional architecture : modeling process, identity and access governance

  • The habit of leading projects in his different aspects : cost management, respect for deadlines, team management, communication, etc.

Knowledge of one or multiple technologies related to IAM is needed : authentification (SSO, MFA), directory LDAP, IAM/IAG solutions, etc.

A professional french and english level is necessary,

Your package ?

We hope we have convinced you up to here : do you think you are the professional we are searching for ?

At PRIZM, we don't announce your salary directly  before even meeting you.
Here, we prefer to see together what's the best for your remuneration, define according to your ambitions the best for you and give you something fair.

For the rest, we focus on the comfort and advantages with new equipment for every new hired, no matter the place you have. You'll also be able to count on bonuses, restaurant coupons, and other advantages. We'll have time to discuss about it together.

Why apply to PRIZM ?

In the end, if you need to remember something, it would be the following part.

A lot of compagnies today need well-made and full-headed people if possible. You can apply in large advices office who have a lot of money, there's work everywhere in our environment, we wont lie about it - and it is actually and great thing !

But the engagements we approach here, are, believe us, way easier to hold when we are 10 than when we are 2.000.

At PRIZl, we really wish to distinguish ourself and tell ourselves that we are here to be different in our approach and to take part to a real adventure. Develop something together, be a real and welded team in the hard times like in the best, in order to grow together and guarantee a real client satisfaction.

PRIZM will become through the years, for sure, but we wish to stay in this dynamic to one day, being able to say "I was here at the beginning, because I believed in it".

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